Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Art Educator and Artist...

How do art educators across the state find a balance between teaching art and being artists? Scott Schwarz, Bertrand K-12 art


Anonymous said...

Wonderful topic.... I get so caught up in my students' work and hauling their projects around that I forget about "me" until the summer months. Then I work like crazy!!!!

Bob said...

I started this year creating a piece of art in the classroom for my kids. Before each rotation, I work on the piece for 30-45 min. so my kids can see the changes. I also keep track of time so they can see the amount of time I put into it from initial idea to finished product. After spring break, I am pulling out a painting I started 20 years ago in college and will finish it for the kids to see. Bob, LPS

Anonymous said...

I comute 97 miles just on the weekend. When I am at school, I have my evenings to work on school things as well as my own work. As I am the only one around it is very peaceful and I can really focus on the work. A few focused hours in the evening...sometimes till 3:00 am is as if not more productive than 10 or more houres in my regular studio.

Anonymous said...

I find time for my own work regularly although this year was the first that I've actually accomplished it. I don't do anything really large-that will wait for Summer. Aside from pieces at school for demonstrations (and I do usually finish those pieces) I belong to Drawspace and WetCanvas, as well as ArtistsNetwork. On Drawspace they have a weekly challenge and I usually try to get one of those done each week, sometimes a couple of them. I feel more creative and excited about art in general when I am actually doing something for myself.